Honesty Before Reality

By Joe Pinto

Before we can see the reality of God, we must see the reality of ourselves!

Before we can usher the realities of heaven on earth, we must see the reality of the church! 

The religious system has taught the church to cover up its issues, cover up its lack of truth, glory, and need for revival. To cover up your real feelings, cover up your real thoughts, and cover up your sins and wounds. To think like this and feel like this. Instead, they try to substitute the darkness in you with religion. And nobody is getting deliverance and everybody is deep down thinking and feeling the same old way with no real change. 

Everybody has all their marvelous doctrines and amazing teaching: yet the bride is a mess. She’s living in fornication and adultery. Serving and worshipping other idols, the biggest one being themselves. The thing we need deliverance most from is ourselves. Yet religion just says put a rug over it. 

The time has come and God is saying to His people, it’s time to remove the rug. It’s time to take off the blindfold. It’s time to take off the religious cloak and reveal what’s beneath.

God told me: “There is Healing in the Revealing!”

There is healing when we reveal our real selves to God. I’m talking about your real thoughts, your real desires, even the darkest ones. We all have it, but no one wants to look at the darkness inside of them because it’s too shameful for them to admit that it lives in them.

Well, God is saying it’s time to take a new approach. Though really it is an old approach! But the church today does not implement this approach anymore because they have become religionized.

Proverbs 28:13

“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper,but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”

The religious system has been teaching the church for years to cover up their sins, to cover up their mess. Many teachings have been produced that push you to try and act in a way that’s not natural to yourself. That turns you into a character that is fake and really just for show on the outside. Yes, you’re smiling. Yes, you look happy. Yes, you greet every single person that walks in the church. Though God says, “You are poor, blind, and naked before Me!” 

When God forms His character in you, it will become your nature: divine nature. It will become natural in you because it will be you and because He is in you. The Word is what changes us, but religion is trying to teach us to be actors. Religion has been teaching us to act the part, act like Jesus, act holy, and act righteous.

Listen, you either are holy or you’re not. You either are righteous or you’re not. You either walk like Christ or you don’t! Anything in between, like trying to act the part, is a grey area. The Pharisees acted the part so greatly, but Jesus called them religious and said that they clean the outside of the cup but they don’t clean the inside. They fix up what they act like, but never fix their heart. So when you fall into these religious doctrines, you seem really spiritual even though your heart is full of darkness. 

The answer to be saved from all this nonsense is simple. Confessing! The one who confesses and renounces their sin will be free! Will find mercy! 

God gave me a dream years ago when He first gave me this word. In the dream, I was in the middle of the streets of New York City in my bed with only a sheet over me. And God spoke when I woke up, “Make your bed out in the open.” In other words, He was calling me to transparency, to be an open book. He was calling me to peel back the layers and reveal what’s truly there.

“You have anger? Show it to Me. You have lust, bring it before Me. You are depressed, let it be exposed before Me so that I can expose myself to you, including my deliverance power.” This is what He is saying, and the Church is not hearing! 

And the reason why no one is free in religion is that no one is confessing. No one is renouncing. No one wants to be real with themselves and search the deepest part of themselves because they don’t like what they see. Well, God is not looking for anything that is good in you. He is the only one that’s good. 

Though He does want something from you: the darkness that lies in the lowest parts of you. The thoughts and the feelings that no one likes to talk about. The worst things that go through your mind and heart. He wants it!

God created you, and He’s not ignorant to the fall of man. He knows you got bad stuff in there. He knows what you’re capable of apart from Him. The problem is when you hide it. It’s all about the heart! Pride Conceals and Humility Reveals. And He’s saying the only way we can get rid of this is if you humble yourself enough to let it be exposed. So that He would take it from you and burn it all down by the power of His might and instill Christ in you.

How do I give it to Him??? 

Confess it to Him! 

James 5:16

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” 

Many have a problem just confessing their faults to their brothers and sisters in Christ. Though God showed me that many have a problem with confessing their faults to Him as God. He told me, if they would confess it to Me, they would be healed enough to go to the Body. Be transparent. When we are transparent before God, there will be grace in our lives to be transparent before our friends. 

Then I asked...

Why do people have trouble being transparent with you?

Then He said, “Because they can’t even be transparent with themselves!”

Believe it or not, most people can’t face the reality of their own self. They can’t bear the dark side of themselves, and religion preaches to them a gospel that says just believe it’s not there. Everything is finished, you’re a new creation already, just believe it. You’re righteous, you’re perfect. 

And this is how you conceal the deep sins of your heart without a sense of conviction, closing tight your own conscience. You’re not righteous. You’re not perfect. Though He is here to make you like Him, but you conceal it! You must reveal it! How will you be able to be honest with God when you can’t be honest with yourself? Then what happens is, you take the false you and present it to God and say, “Here I am, Lord, send me.” And He’s saying, “I ain’t sending that.”

The enemy has been doing this to God’s people since the beginning. Remember Adam and Eve, and the fig leaves! Religion leads you to put on fig leaves deceiving you from real deliverance. Hiding yourself from yourself and especially before God. And just like what happened in the garden is happening today in the church. 

Many are not able to take part in the tree of life which is Jesus Christ today, because they won’t give their whole self. God doesn’t just want your time, heart, desires, and dreams; He wants the darkest parts of your soul. So that He would clean every last part you.

Even David sinned and tried to pretend like it didn’t happen or he never had an affair. Later, he had to have the prophet Nathan come and rebuke him and remind him of his real self. Nathan wasn’t trying to put David to shame but to lead him to repentance so that he wouldn’t live in shame. Apostles and prophets are coming to the church all the time and many feel that they are doing it just to put the church to shame. But they are doing this because they want to see God’s glorious Church reign where the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. Though there’s one essential thing to make that happen, and that is: Repentance. 

And today God is prophesying to you; just like the prophet spoke to David:

“It’s time for my people to get real. It’s time for them to face the reality within their mind and heart. Knowing that when they become bare before Me, I will clothe them.”

1 John 1:9

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Let us confess our sins knowing that on the other side is the manifestation of the realities of God’s deliverance in our life. We repent and we turn not just because we did a bad thing, but because we want to be purified from all unrighteousness. 

Honesty before reality! When the church gets real with the Lord, He will become real to them. When the church gets real about themselves, about their real desires, thoughts, feelings, and about their current state and destitution of the real thing, deliverance will be on the other side, and the pages that they read every week will become real to them. And the pages won’t just be a testament of the old days, but a testament of the present day church! 

Rise up, Church, and be exposed to God! 

The Kingdom will become real to you like never before and the reality of God will set in! 

Proverbs 10:9

“Whoever walks in Honestly walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.”

Father, let us walk honestly before you and before the brethren. Though, most importantly, let us walk honestly before ourselves because we don’t want to come to you with a lying heart. We don’t want to come to you with this fake religious character that we try to put on. Though we will come like the one in the temple, that beat his chest and was real to you about himself. And in this way, humbled himself that he became exalted, and let all those that become honest before the Lord be exalted in His tangible reality. 

Luke 18:10-14

 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”


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